
Best Time to Visit Upper Mustang

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Before knowing the best time to visit Upper Mustang, let us tell you that this region can serve you with the region’s contrasting natural, cultural, and topographical diversity. There are caves, rock paintings, temples, high mountains covered in snow, and rocky cliffs with their unique shapes and colors in this area. The mountain views, and cultural and natural wonders, can contribute to the trek’s potential to be an unforgettable strolling journey of your lifetime.

When trekkers go to the Upper Mustang area, they can see how different the landscape, Annapurna conservation area, nature, and culture are from one another. Enjoy the chance to see caves, the Himalayan desert, and Nepal’s last town that borders China. The trek can be a great walking trip so far in your life because it has both cultural and natural attractions, and the views of the mountains are a bonus.

Best time for upper mustang trek

This area feels very Tibetan, both in terms of the people who live there and their culture, as well as the scenery. It has caves, rock paintings, temples, high rocky cliffs with strange shapes and colors, and, of course, high snowy mountains.

Nepal’s Upper Mustang is a place with a lot of myths and natural significance. There are rules about traveling there. In the past, people from other countries were not allowed to enter. These days, people can only go there after getting a special pass. Trekkers need to meet certain conditions.

Best Time to visit Upper Mustang Trek

Upper Mustang Trek Best Season

This dry area doesn’t get monsoons because it is in the rain shadow. This makes it a great place to visit during the summer (monsoon season in Nepal). Most people in the area leave for Pokhara or Kathmandu in the winter because it is too cold, so there are better times to visit.

We’ll talk more about the weather during the trip, how the area changes with the seasons, and the best time to visit Upper Mustang.

Spring Season: April and May
Monsoon Season: June to September
Autumn Season: October, and November
Winter Season: December to February

Spring Season: April and May

In Nepal, spring occurs during the months of March, April, and May. Lower and Upper Mustang experience stable weather conditions during this time. During this period, the temperature ranges from 16 to 22 degrees Celsius, making it one of the best time to visit Upper Mustang.

Mid-May is also when the Tiji Festival takes place at Lo-Manthang. This three-day festival is incentive enough to visit in May. The primary objectives of this festival are to promote global peace and reenact the festival’s legendary past. This occasion commences in Lo-Manthang and descends, replete with horse races, archery, dancing, and general merriment.

Moreover, during the festival, you may have the opportunity to engage in conversation with the former imperial family of Upper Mustang.

Monsoon Season: June to September

In Nepal, the monsoon season occurs between June, July and August. While one might associate rains with the monsoon season, this does not hold true in Mustang. Upper Mustang is an ideal trekking destination for individuals who are required to take their annual vacation during the summer months due to the absence of monsoon.

The general temperature varies between 13 and 20 degrees Celsius, again making it one of the best time to visit Upper Mustang. The blue sky provides a clear view of the panoramic Dhaulagiri, Nilgiri, Tilicho, and Annapurna I.

Autumn Season: October, and November

Upper Mustang trekking is most recommended during October and November due to the region’s ideal climate and landscapes. Expeditions within the Upper Mustang, including those to Scribing Peak, are possible to a certain extent throughout these months of the year.

Following the monsoon, travelers are rewarded with clear skies, lush greenery, breathtaking scenery, and ideal temperatures to explore the Himalayas. There are instances of temperatures as low as 5°C during the night and an average of 20°C during the day. Autumn is considered as one of the best time to visit upper mustang for a reason, as the destination experiences its busiest season of the year during the autumn, so be ready to encounter larger crowds.

Winter Season: December to February

Snowfalls and weather conditions become extremely severe during this time on Upper Mustang Trek. Wintertime temperatures in Lo Manthang drop to –20 degrees Celsius, and only a handful of inhabitants remain to tend to the animals and the village. Crossing the Upper Mustang trail during the heavy snowfall may present a greater challenge compared to non-snowy seasons.

Nevertheless, due to the off-season, one may partake in serene trekking routes. In addition, you are welcome to attend the Toren La festival in February, which serves as the Thakalis’ principal New Year’s celebration. However, due to the chill, tea houses are closed at this time of year; therefore, reservations must be made in advance.

Weather Conditions and Temperatures During Winter

Winter in Mustang is cold, dry, and sunny. Temperatures range from 0°C to 5°C during the day, and they drop to as low as -25°C at night.

In some places of Mustang, especially Upper Mustang, it snows a lot from January to February. Heavy snow is more likely to fall in places that are 3,900m to 5,700m above sea level. Many visitors do not consider this season as one of the best time to visit Upper Mustang but if you are one who enjoys such an environment, you are heartily welcome.

No matter what the weather is like, Lower Mustang gets snow in November or December.

Upper Mustang gets snow from mid-December to mid-February, and towns like Kagbeni, Lo Manthang, and Jomsom get snow from October to January or February.

By the middle of February, the temperatures are starting to rise, and it only snows a few times during this time.