Mustang now has three new hiking trails
Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) has discovered new trekking routes to replace those that were impacted by road building, which created annoyance due to dust. These new routes are intended to replace those that were damaged. Tourists have shown an attraction for routes that provide an experience that is free from disturbances when they are in the heart of nature.
ACAP Ranger Sanjok Thakali reported that Mustang now has three new hiking trails that connect Lupra to Muktinath, Thini to Tilichotaa, and Kokhethati to Sirkung to Sauru to Chokhopani to Chimang to Dhumbatal. In light of this, efforts are currently being made to construct infrastructure as well as to advertise and promote related activities.
The construction of highways from Beni to Jomsom and from Jomsom to Kagbeni, which ultimately led to Muktinath, resulted in the relocation of the trekking routes that had previously been in use. As a result of the dust that was produced, trekking became difficult, which prompted tourists to look for routes that offered a peaceful nature experience.
According to Pramodraj Regmi, the executive director of the ACAP Jomsom, the proportion of foreign tourists who visited Mustang in 2023 decreased from 29.12% in 2022 to 19.20%. On the other hand, the total number of tourists in 2023 reached 90,365, with 18,166 coming from countries in the Third World and 72,190 coming from countries in the SAARC region.
A trekking guide Hari Nepali, who is from Mustang, mentioned that there has been a decrease in the number of tourists from other countries visiting Mustang since the construction of the road. Despite this, there has been a rise in the number of tourists coming from inside India and from other countries.